Getting more customers through divine intervention (was RUBBER MUTES)

Richard Eldon BARBER
Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:54:54 -0800 (PST)

I heard Buddha gets you more Yamahas and Kawais...

Thats why I go to church AND temple.


Quoted text below================
Hi Allen,
You're right about prayer though seriously, and I'm not trying to scare
anyone off who doesn' t believe in Christ as saviour etc.  What I mean
is, God continues to help me as a beginning tuner get work although not
steady at this point.  I'm in South Bend IN and we have about 8 or
maybe =
10 tuners perhaps more that I haven' t met or heard of.  Every time I =
e-mail a church or school, I get the usual, we already have a tuner. 
So =
I've been discouraged before. =20

I like the cracking the notes or unisons method because I don' t have
to =
fool with felts and the visual aggrevation of pushing them in etc.  I'm
hoping that my new lever will increase my speed etc. =20
p.s. Too bad Schaff doesn't make a tooth brush we can screw onto our =
levers.  The 15 degree angle might be perfect for tough to reach teeth
after eating pop corn. :)

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