Working while tuning

Thomas Cole
Wed, 04 Jan 2006 19:15:57 -0800

You can get asked the question no matter how long you've been in the 
business. Whether you've done something klutzy with the case parts, or 
you look like you're in your nineties, it can mean different things. 
Sometimes I think they're asking if you can actually make a living 
tuning pianos and they might *expect* that you also have a day job.

Confidence is important, as Dean said, so if you get asked about it 
specifically, you can give an honest answer and make it sound like 
you're a veteran.

Tom Cole

Ron Nossaman wrote:

>> It is all about confidence. I was regularly asked the question of how
>> long I had been tuning when I first started out. Now it hardly every
>> gets asked.
>> Dean
> I still get asked once in awhile. "Long enough to know better" is the 
> usual reply.
> Ron N
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