Flooded Bass String Question

TOM DRISCOLL tomtuner@verizon.net
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 07:16:09 -0500

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Joseph Garrett=20
  To: pianotech=20
  Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 2:28 AM
  Subject: Re: Flooded Bass String Question

  IMO the strings are the least of your problems.
  If the piano was wet for that long , It's my opinion that things will=20
  start coming apart before too much longer.
  I might be all wet here--Sorry-- but soundboards ,bridges and water=20
  don't mix well.
  Tom Driscoll RPT=20

  Tom and Spencer,
  It's a Yamaha! I truly doubt there would be any problem with the case =
coming apart in those circumstances. My Daughter has a P-2 that was in a =
Gym fire. the treble end was afire, as were the keys! The piano was =
immersed in 2 feet of water for a while, in the process of putting out =
the fire. Once the fire was out the piano was lifted out of the pyre =
with a fork lift and set, (very uncerimoniously), out in the parking =
lot. It sat there for 4 days while the idiot school bean counters =
decided if they wanted to sell it to me. While all that was going on, =
some well-meaning soul opened the top to let it "air out"! This is =
Oregon. The natural thing happened....It rained. The only damage was to =
the dampers and hammers. (The hammers were actually improved with the =
  This happened about 25 years ago. I never felt comfortable about =
selling the piano, so I gave it to my Daughter, just in case it decided =
to self-destruct. It hasn't! I tune it and it's JUST FINE. No evidence =
of any structural damage what-so-ever! Them Yamamas is tough, in that =

  Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
  Captain, Tool Police
  Squares R I
      That is interesting ---and encouraging.
      My experience with a G1 getting a similar treatment from a broken =
pipe in 1982 was not so positive. Cracking SB, bridge to soundboard glue =
joint failure etc., but it was only one event on one piano.     I sit =
--- hopefully for Spencer ---  corrected
      Best wishes,
  Tom Driscoll=20

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