Cracking the unisons

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 13:22:15 -0600

Susan Kline wrote:
> At 09:47 AM 1/6/2006 -0800, David wrote:
>> the all-important and devilish tenor break area---the horrific, 
>> deliberately confusing end of the long bridge----aaahhhhhhh!!!!
> If only they'd let the tenor bridge stay closer to the middle of the 
> board, instead of trying for every last inch of speaking length, maybe 
> it wouldn't boom like that. 

Part of that boom is BECAUSE the low tenor stops too short, and too 
far away from the rim. Most of the rest of the boom is because the 
speaking lengths are too SHORT for the required pitch, and the 
break% is too low. Perhaps the sacred 20 note bass wasn't such a 
good idea here, since it moved too many long strings down onto the 
tenor where there wasn't room for their adequate length. Lots of fun 
interdependencies here, most cheerfully ignored by manufacturers.

>Perhaps a case of the advertising department 
> ruling the roost, or maybe just automatic thinking (like literally 
> saturating a block with ounces of CA) instead of considering and 
> experimenting.

"Automatic thinking" is an oxymoron.

You old grouch. You're starting to sound like me... <G>

Ron N

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