Cracking the unisons

william ballard
Fri, 6 Jan 2006 18:56:44 -0500

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On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:07 PM, pianolover 88 wrote:
> "Real Men" also don't make such sophomoric, completely rediculous  
> assertions (you know who you are too!) Sounds like I'm mad don'  
> tit? Nope. It's soooo easy to misinterprit the intentions of such  
> postings; But if you're gonna dish it out, ya gotta be big enough  
> to take it too. Cheers!

I'm glad your only kidding, because I was too. Real Piano Men was a  
column I wrote for the NH Chapter's "Granite Action" twenty years  
ago. All real stuff that separated us duffers and wannabes from the  

Lock'n'load Baby!

Mr. Bill

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