(careful, it is about temperaments)

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 21:06:07 -0600

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Hi Ed,
                  I get the same results as you are are 
seeing.   Broadwood's best 1885 is well liked here. The other comment 
that I get, is the piano is easier to play.

Regards Roger

>        Interesting, and it is my understanding that every time an ET piano
>has been compared side by side to a mild WT piano, the WT piano is 
>judged more
>in tune by a large percentage of listeners.  I don't remember a case 
>where the
>ET piano came out on top.
>      Does anybody else?
>Ed Foote RPT
>pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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