Cracking the unisons

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 22:47:26 -0600

> Tunelab and Verituner use both FFT as pre anaylsis.

Pre-analysis is not pitch determination. The actual tuning is done 
with different algorithms. I think that's what I said, if I'm not 
mistaken. I'm sure you'll correct me if I am.

> Every box has its own procedure by mangling the partials to calculate a 
> virtual overall pitch,
> but the exact realtime float cannot be caught that way with todays 
> sample rates.

Sample rates have barely a damn thing to do with it. The FFT, by 
itself, is not capable of a fine enough resolution for tuning, given 
the noisy signal of a piano tone.

> Cybertuner uses counting of cero crossings of filtered signal, needs 
> also means over a longer time period.
> (see patent papers)

As do all of the ETDs, as far as I know (filtered or otherwise). 
This, again hasn't a bloody thing to do with the FFT.

>> FFT phase angle, but if there is a way to measure a piano tone partial 
>> accurately in real time (or at all, for that matter) with FFT, I'd 
>> sure like to know the method.
> there is actually no, thatīs what i said.

It is? I must be reading a different language that you're writing 
then. Sorry, I seem to have missed it altogether. Surely my fault, 
as I'm sure you'd agree.

Awaiting enlightenment,
Ron N

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