Pitch Raise

Marcel Carey mcpiano@videotron.ca
Sat, 07 Jan 2006 18:36:56 -0500

Now Boys and girls,

Pitch raising is nothing but a rough tuning done to bring the piano up
to pitch or closer to pitch. The only advantage of ETD (Electronic
Tuning Devices) is that they have a program to measure how far flat are
the notes just before we tune them and then the program overshoots a
certain % above the normal pitch. All this is done with the hope that
after the pitch raise (rough tuning), the piano will be close to pitch
and tunable in one pass.

Now for beginners, Pitch raises are a fantastic opportunity to learn and
practice your tuning lever technique. This is the most important thing
to practice. You will get the feel for different pianos and tuning pins
and see how they react to different techniques of the lever. 

So, be thankfull when you get to raise the pitch of a piano. Think of
the practice and remember that you don't have to listen so hard on the
first pass. Just tune it as fast as humanly possible. You'll get very
good experience.

Marcel Carey, RPT
Sherbrooke, QC 
> Thanks for your help, Ron. That makes sense, though I wish 
> there was a more 
> definite answer. I guess pitch raising aurally is a tricky 
> skill to learn.

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