Steinway Accelerated actions

Ric Brekne
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 02:59:59 +0100

Hi Jeannie.

I dont think I said specifically that a change in hammer styles and 
therby voicing techniques was eminent. But I believe its safe to say 
that there is a desire by Steinway ownership to make more uniform the 
output of the two factories.

In the end...  its the Americans who own the company and I suppose for 
better or worse they will end up deciding.  Perhaps they will end up 
leaving things as they are ?


Hi Ric,
Is Hamburg also going to use the NY style hammers?  From what I've been
taught, the difference in the two styles of hammers is what dictates the
voicing technique.  Until they have the same type of hammers, it is hard for
me to believe they would alter the current styles of needling.  

We are clearly at a disadvantage over here since we don't see as many
Hamburgs.  So, I am only going by the official NY Steinway factory teaching
and my limited experience with Hamburgs.  

Based on what information you have heard, do you think there will be a
change in the style of hammers on the Hamburgs.......?

Jeannie Grassi, RPT
Assistant Editor, Piano Technicians Journal

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