electronic pitch source

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 03:03:43 +0100

The Seiko is fine for calibrating electronic devices, but not aural 
tuning.  It has an extremely loud second partial and a very soft first 


I'm not quite sure I see the problem with that. If you can test beat 
rates between a reliable pitch source and the note to be tuned with a 
test interval (or two)... you should be able to get near beatless with 
the pitch source. That said... as I also said... seems like the 
Sanderson tool is the thing to get... if a bit more pricey.


The Sanderson tool gives four pitches, so it's not much more expensive 
than four top quality forks, not to mention the 50cents sliding scale.  
I want one, too.

Ed Sutton

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