electronic pitch source - Seiko

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 14:35:05 +0100

Hi Ed...

Using F2 / A4,  then set A3 to A4 aurally.  I used to do this quite a 
bit when I was practicing different ways of getting ready for that bit 
on the test. I didnt find any problems with it.

All this said... I still think if you are going to use an aural source a 
loud enough pitch fork is really the best thing for the job.  Easy to 
use, and inexpensive.  What else can you ask for ?


You will hear a very, very loud beat at 880hz, and an almost inaudible 
beat at 440hz.  Impossible to ignore the 880hz beat.  The Seiko gives a 
harmonic series, so 440hz on the piano will be flat due to inharmonicity 
of the piano string.

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