Ric Brekne
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 21:55:48 +0100

Here Here David.  You express my feelings on the subject better then 
I've ever been able to word them here. I'd also like to express my 
admiration for how well you avoid that pitfall. An example to us all.  I 
wish I could say I was as clever thus. I truly do.


I might as well say this today; I've been biting my tongue and thinking
discretion is the better part of valor....'n stuff....but now I gotta say

We get so trapped down box canyons on this list, expending massive amounts
of energy on teeny, teeny minutiae that rarely, if ever, deserve the kind of
energy and effort they receive.  There are ways we can really help each
other, and help those new to us, by talking about activities and protocols
that really ARE crucial to building a successful practice; we do that some
of the time, but a LOT of bandwidth is expended on what I call "debate club"
matters----little hair-splitting arguments/dialogues that indicate too much
time on one's hands---or something. We want to present an expert face and
presence to this list, and understandably so, but let's do it with humanity,
humor,common sense and compassion.

Flame suit on, locked and loaded, watching the NFL playoffs with mah boy.
Perfect winter day in SoCal....

David Andersen

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