Lovely birdcage - what to do?

Geoff Sykes
Sun, 8 Jan 2006 12:59:35 -0800

You think this piano could be brought up to 440, perhaps in stages, without
any problems? I was so afraid to do a pitch raise on this thing because of
what other local techs have advised that I never even thought that perhaps
the added tension would improve the pin tightness. Worth a try.

In lubricating the termination points I'm guessing that you are suggesting I
use just the tiniest amount possible. In other words, if I wind up with it
even coming close to wet I've used too much, correct? Not having any Goose
Juice, (yet), what would be an acceptable alternative?

-- Geoff Sykes
-- Assoc. Los Angeles

Looks really nice!
Addition of tension to 435 may tighten up the pins enough for them to hold
without any CA. At this point the tone of the piano may show if you could
raise it to 440. Lube bass strings top termination point, just a drop will
do ya, and under the pressure bar where the treble strings terminate also.
Broke my oiler yesterday and used a piece of mutting felt wet with Goose
Juice to wipe the friction area. Worked fine on a Grandma's piano. Rusty
strings, 2 broken at the upper termination before I got there. Tried to do
the knotty thing but the broken wire was too bad to use. Joe Goss RPT Mother
Goose Tools

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