Marking your spot

John Ross
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 18:03:14 -0400

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Another way, is to put a front rail punching on all the A's.
I have run across, a few pianos, where the vision impaired person left them in. That is just my assumption, that is why they were there. 
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joseph Garrett 
  To: pianotech 
  Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 5:48 PM
  Subject: Marking your spot

  Perhaps you could use 8 short lengths of tubing 
  that will slip over the tuning pins. The first thing you could do is
  mark the location of all the A's with a piece of tubing. Then you
  wouldn't have to go all the way to one of the breaks to count back to
  your position if you get lost.

  There is a better way, that is time tested. I use it for chipping up a newly strung piano, before the action is ready. Put front rail punchings on all of the "A's". You can still get your tuning hammer on the pin, unlike the tubing idea.<G> This is also a good thing for Square Grands when the note lettering is gone/erased/covered in crud.<G> This is a technique used by the olde time "blind" tuners.
  Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
  Captain, Tool Police
  Squares R I

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