Lovely Birdcage Piano

Joseph Garrett
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:33:34 -0800

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Geoff said: "
Yeah, after-ring. The damping on these things definitely left something to
be desired. Thanks for the response. I'm sure my customer will be glad to
hear that there is hope for improvement and her piano is not yet dead. And
thanks for the tip on bolts and screws. Always a good thing to check. So
easy to forget and/or ignore. 

-- Geoff,
Sigh!~!! The "after-ring" is intentional!!!! Do NOT try to "improve" the damping of Over-Damper Pianos....EVER! These instruments were made to sound like "ancient" instruments, only louder and a larger compass. Please do not fall into that pit. Attempting to "Improve" the damping will be a road of major frustrations and failure. (If the client complains of this, then they need a modern piano. period.)

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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