Lovely Overdamper Piano

Joseph Garrett
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:51:46 -0800

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Jurgen said: "
With respect, I would offer a different opinion than Joe Garrett on a=20
few points:
Based on the many German pianos I have seen during my years working=20
there, I can say that while the heyday of German overdampers was=20
earlier, many were still made after the turn of the 20th century. =20
There are some astounding overstrung overdampers made by Ibach and=20
others, but especially Bl=FCthner, that blow the socks off of just =
any contemporary upright you would compare them to, in terms of=20
scaling, tone, touch, and yes, even damping.

The case is definitely a perfectly typical example of German styling=20
ca. 1900. I have a R=F6nisch with almost the exact piano case (though=20=

not an overdamper) in my shop. German piano of the pre-WW1 era came in=20=

essentially two stylings: black or walnut, with frames on the panels=20
and decorative matching veneer. There were also a smaller number of=20
mahogany pianos made, mainly for export to England. Almost always,=20
the finish was french polish, which gave real depth and glow to the=20
wood grain. The Germans liked to show off the fancy wood, while North=20=

American pianos of the day were most often covered with thick coats of=20=

colored varish, which obscured the grain and eventually turned into=20
alligator skin. Pity."

I stand corrected. I was going on my personal experience and not any difinitive information. Most German made Over-Damper Uprights are, IMO, great, in all aspects of construction, design, asthetics, etc. It is a unique sound, to which I like.<G> Learned something today. Thanks.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
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