Looking for certain tools

Cy Shuster 741662027@theshusters.org
Tue, 10 Jan 2006 20:39:12 -0500

Does anyone know a source to buy the following?

1. Grand hammer removal pliers, to pop hammerheads off shanks (big pliers 
with a cross brace, not the wing nut, screw down kind).

2. Old-style S&S capstan wrenches, open-end wrenches with four flat faces. 
The current ones are U-shaped, and only grip on two sides of the capstan 
(and the arms are too big).

3. Key button stock.  Schaff and Pianotek list them, but both are apparently 


--Cy Shuster--
Boston, MA
North Bennet Street School
Class of '06

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