(no subject)

David Love davidlovepianos@comcast.net
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 07:23:40 -0800

Please show me the "evidence".  

David Love

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf
Of Ric Brekne
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:25 AM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: (no subject)

David Love wrote:

There's no "proof" for either position.  That's why we're having the

Difficulty in imagining something different doesn't, last time
I checked, qualify as proof.

I dont believe anyone said it did.  And I think the lack of proof was my
main point.  There is some supporting evidence on the side of those who
believe composers were influenced by tone colour... and there really isnt
any on the other side of that fence.... but thats about as far as its goes. 

David Love

Hi Jason and others..

And given the fact that several such listings of key colour were
circulating down through the years, and given also the passion musicians
have for intellectualizing about there work (every bit the equal of
pianotechnicians in every regard) you simply gotta figure these guys
were definantly wrapped up in choosing keys to help them express what
they were trying to <<say>> through their music.

I have a real hard time imagining anything else personally... and I dont
really understand the reasoning behind those who attempt to prove
othewise.  There isnt really any serious supporting evidence, and the
move towards ET pianoes had natural enough explainations that are
clearly independant.

Been a while since all this was run around, always makes for interesting
reading.  Nice stuff Ed !


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