Lovely OverDamper Piano

Wed, 11 Jan 2006 19:13:55 -0500

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How is it we "know" how pianos originally sounded 100+ years ago? I know =
some piano tuners are old, but........

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20

  I have some input into the subject of 'ringing dampers'.
  Some of the North American pianos, of the earlier part of the 20th =
century, had dampers that were not as efficient also.
  They had terms like resonant whatever. They liked the 'ring', in those =
  Just because a piano was manufactured, as the birdcage etc., with an =
after ring, does not mean that we have to stick with that. The customer =
should not have to put up with this after ring, if they don't like it, =
just because that is the way the piano was 'meant' to be.
  If we can modify, or reduce this 'noise', then we should.
  This German piano I tuned recently, was a birdcage, Ibach I think, had =
a minimal after ring, so the birdcage, can obviously be made to have a =
more efficient damper system.
  John M. Ross
  Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada
    ----- Original Message -----=20

    Wow, that's surprising.  I thought it was a deficiency of modern =
upright dampers that they don't damp (not dampen! :-) near the strike =
point, like grand dampers do.

      ----- Original Message -----=20

      ...the closer you get to the string termination the less effective =
the damper will be to absorb the vibrating energy. This fact was =
established in the time of around 1850 or so. Sooooooo, again, The Over =
Ring IS intentional and should only be moderated, NOT eliminated, =
because it is impossible, given the action geometry & physical =
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