thumping dampers

Horace Greeley
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 18:31:27 -0800

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Putting aside for the moment the "why bother?" that immediately 
springs to mind when recording with an instrument like this is 
mentioned, I generally agree with Dale.  Nothing is going to stop 
noise from the assembly when the foot is simply lifted quickly off the pedal.

What you might also find helpful is to replace some/most of the 
harder felt and leather stop-blocks in the damper mechanism.  It 
won't fix the whole problem - and - it definitely means that you will 
be revisiting the instrument to replace the softer material which 
wears out much more quickly, it might help.

Hope there is something of value for you here.



At 06:12 PM 1/11/2006, you wrote:
>    Ahh yes but it could be his pedaling technique.  I've seen some 
> fine pianist with horrible pedal technique.  They can make a 
> nominally set of of quit dampers start to sound like a bass drum 
> specially on a Steinway..which they're not used to.  He probably 
> doesn't need a spring surgery  but quite possibly his technique 
> needs attention....... JMO
>   Dale
>Hi Listers,
>Client with a new Yamaha ga-1 is complaining that the dampers make a 
>thumping noise when his foot is taken off the sustain pedal. He is 
>doing some recording and it is very noticable to him. Other than 
>changing the spring to one with less tension , what would be a 
>solution to his problem?
>Rick Ucci/Ucci Piano

Horace Greeley
Systems Group
Controller's Office
Stanford University

651 Serra St., RM 100
Stanford, CA 94305

voice:  650.725.9062
fax:    650.725.8014

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