mystery click puzzler

Paul McCloud
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 20:31:56 -0800

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I don't know if this is your problem here, but I've found some pianos have a metal bar which is screwed underneath the bottom of the fallboard.  This bar can become loose.  Just another thing to check.
    Paul McCloud
    San Diego

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Joe And Penny Goss 
To: An open list for piano technicians
Sent: 01/11/2006 8:32:37 PM 
Subject: Re: mystery click puzzler

Hi Tom,
I suspect that there is something attached to the felt on the edge of the fallboard. or loose felt with hard glue making a noise against the wood.
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:51 PM
Subject: mystery click puzzler


Here's a puzzler for you all; an unsolved puzzler at that.  I've executed a repair, but I have no idea why it works...

Kawai grand, about 15 years old.  There's a click on F#2, G#2, and A#2 when the key is depressed.  Not when it's released but at the moment they're depressed quickly.  (It won't happen on a slow strike.)

I take the action out to check for loose screws, debris on the keys, any anomaly, but nothing.  In fact, the click is gone.  I did tighten one screw on one of the action rails, so, maybe that was it...

Put the action back in, still no click.  Reinstall the cheek blocks, still no click.  

When I put the fallboard back on, there's the click again.  Pull the fallboard forward to a 45 degree angle, no click.  Back to vertical, click,

OK.  The keys must be hitting the fallboard, but wait a minute.  It happens when the key goes down, not up.  The fallboard does not extend backwards inside all the way to the back side of the balance rail, so when the key goes down, there is MORE clearance from the fallboard.  If the click was on the way up, I'd say it was hitting the fallboard when it returned to the up position, but it happens on the way DOWN!

Am I just stupid?  Am I missing something here?

My solution?  I raised the fallboard so that there was more clearance from the keys and now there's no click. 

But how can the keys strike the fallboard on their way down and make a noise?  It doesn't make sense.

It's not the upstop rail being depressed by the fallboard (That click would happen on the way up, too.).  I put felt on the backside of the fallboard at the point where the keys would come into contact with it if that was the problem to see if that changed the sound or eliminated it,, but it didn't have any impact.

I guess I should move on, because I fixed the problem.  But  I just want to know: what caused the click?

Any ideas? Did I describe this well enough?  

Tom Sivak
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