thumping dampers
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:51:32 EST

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  I'd be interested to know if the damper tray pivots are in line with  the 
underlever centers. When they are not in line as are most systems there is  
more physical weight pulling the entire assembly down into the strings.  I  have 
always assumed all models Of Yams had the in line arrangement but  ......
  Check it out

Well,  Rick,

I must say I would be inclined to concur with the pedal being  excessively
"thumpy."  I just serviced a Yamaha C1 today.  The  thump of the dampers was
really quite bothersome.  No amount of  limiting the damper travel would do
anything here.  The felts are in  quite good condition, but are a bit firmer
than I usually see.

My  gut is that to make the thumping end, you'll need new (different)  damper
felts.  In my case, it is definitely the damper felts creating  the noise,
but I would check to see what kind of shape the felts in the  pedal box are
in and how absorbent they are.  I often find poor felts  in the pedal box can
contribute to that thumping noise.

Hope you are  able to remedy the problem.

William R.  Monroe


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