Player Piano Problems
Fri, 13 Jan 2006 19:08:42 -0500


First of all, the unlabeled toggle is for changing the tempo during select
passages without changing the general tempo setting for the entire roll.
This is sometimes denoted as: accel./retard.

Secondly, the disconnected hose will not go to the wind motor (drives the
roll as you suspected).  The hose for the wind motor will originate at the
governor (just right of center with outward pressure external spring).  By
the angle of the flanged nipple where the disconnected hose is attached,
that hose definitely will go upward and to the bass end.  You should feel
for either a hole in a wood component for the elbow to fit in or another
hose for it to connect to.  Don't forget to look on the left side of the
upper unit or at any pneumatics visible top or bottom at that end.

All that being said....I don't think you will have this instrument playing
at all even if you can connect that hose.  By the "set" the hose has taken,
it has been disconnected for a very long time (look at the distortion where
it attaches to the flanged elbow).  This is an old "rebuild".  Not
particularly a well done one from what I can see in the photos.  Even so, at
this point in time many other elements have failed that would not have been
addressed when the work was done, such as pouches, valve facings, gaskets,
and on and on.

Your best bet....go to , locate a nearby player tech
from the listings and give that persons name to your customer.  This has no
easy or inexpensive fix.

Debbie L.

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