AAA Yellow Pages trade listing-Geoff

Susan Kline
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 14:11:19 -0800

At 01:34 PM 1/14/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>I imagine there were other considerations besides building a business that
>prompted you to relocate. Still, making that one of your requirements is
>seriously thinking forward. Where did you move to, and is there room for one
>more? (Just joking. [For now.])

I chose the Corvallis, Oregon region. I love it. You have to be able to
tolerate rain and short cloudy days in the winter. Oh, and the grass pollen in
June is terrible if you have hay fever. Otherwise -- I love it.

We've had a couple of people move in, but so far they don't seem like a lot
of competition, or a replacement for me if I retire later on -- and,
they're my age or older. (I'm 59.) Sometime in about ten or fifteen years,
it would be nice to find someone younger capable of filling my shoes, maybe
working into it a little at a time.

A lot of places other than LA have room for one more good tuner. Refugees
need to readjust their ideas of pay from big city standards, which
isn't too hard, because living costs are lower here as well. Rates aren't
abysmal here, though. If massive debt, trade deficits, energy depletion,
etc., make the economy blow up in our faces, that might change - but
no worse here than everywhere else.


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