
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 20:26:59 -0600


>One National in 26 years???!!! About time you attended another on 
>IMO!!<G> Sheesh! It behooves us all to attend, at least, one every 
>5-10 years. There is soooooo much stuff that will make your job 
>better/easier/more profitalble, I can't begin to tell ya! All 
>conventions, be they regional or national are a great way to meet 
>new friends and smoosch!<G> Yes, it is expensive! No, you will not regret it!!!
>Just my inflated USD opinion.

I would if they weren't during the month of June. Because of a 
festival we have that whole month, I can't go much of anywhere until 
after the first of July. Maybe when I retire. :-)


P.S. Joe, why is your personal e-mail address on the 'to' line as 
well as the pianotech address? This is why people get two e-mails on 
the same subject. BTW, where did the address:

An open list for piano technicians <> come from? 
Just curious.

>Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
>Captain, Tool Police
>Squares R I

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