Hammer Spring Replacement

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 20:05:04 -0800

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Isaac said: "
Hi,Guys! Regarding welders rod-just use the old fasion COAT HANGER to keep
those spring coils straight [thanx to Kathy Voss for that valuable tip]
Good luck!! "
I usually agree with your techniques, but this one...No. A coat hanger is not long enough and when you try to get all of the kinks out of it to make a very straight rod, it's next to impossible, IMO. Besides, a lot of coat hangers are painted and that will make the job more difficult. As far as that goes, you could use rod that you get from a hobby shop. They have all kinds of stuff like that. And, it would probably be easier to find a nearby Hobby Shop than a Welding Supply place.<G> Sorry, old buddy, but I'll stick with the welding rod thingee.<G>

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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