100 year old piano, or close to it

David Nereson dnereson@4dv.net
Mon, 16 Jan 2006 01:58:17 -0700


>>> It's not the recording -- the pianos sound out of tune because they 
>ARE out of tune.  >>
>      It may be strange to hear a tuner say that there is no such thing as 
>out of tune, just the wrong venue for the sound, but . . . . . 
>Ed Foote RPT 
    Yes, I know, and that was a great post, but the isolated instances 
where The Doors, Dr. John, or whoever, wanted a certain type of 
out-of-tuneness for a certain effect was not what I was talking about.  
I was talking about plain-ol' neglect and tightwaddedness on the part of 
studios and bar owners.  The out of tune piano on the one particular Art 
Tatum record I referred to was painfully, not purposely, out of tune.  
It did not help the recording; being in tune would have.  And there are 
many others, but I'd have to pore through my two thousand-odd jazz 
records to find them.   --Dave Nereson, RPT

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