Tuning Standard

PIANISSIMO PIANOFORTE S.L. patrick@pianospianissimo.com
Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:07:24 +0100 (CET)

"Or because they don't want to go to the trouble/risk of raising it to
> standard pitch.
> Which is probably the reason!
> Avery"

I will have to agree with that one! similar thing over here in Spain i
suppose (although the pitch is usually not as low as that). Also, I think
that most unproperly trained techs hardly ever raise the pitch (they think
they have to tune the piano 4 times or so to do it!) but mainly, is
because they cant be bothered

Or perhaps their tuning forks have gone flat with te heat! :)


Patrick Hinves Ballesta
Afinador/Técnico 610442371

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