One Piano Per....??

Phil Bondi
Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:35:27 -0500

James Grebe wrote:

> That sounds like a good  cold call tactic.

OK - I've heard enough now. I need to comment:

The Piano Technicians Guild Code Of Ethics - Rule#1:

I will act honorably and in a professional manner.

I'm sorry - I view cold calling and deceiving a potential client into 
thinking they need a piano tuned in violation of Code Of Ethics #1.

Marshall, if you're not a member of the PTG, then may I suggest you do so.

There are a number of people who are now reading this note from me who 
KNOW how strongly I feel about stepping on any toes - I simply won't do 
it..nor will I knowingly undercut another technicians price to get the work.

Bring it on,

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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