
Joseph Garrett
Wed, 18 Jan 2006 22:15:53 -0800

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Terry "The Farrell" said: "
Joe, what is the material on the bottom of the glide? Some kind of =
plastic or is it metal? If it is metal, wouldn't that scratch a =
non-carpeted floor?

I appreciate the picture, but you need to get someone to show you how to =
size a picture. I see that you got the resolution way down - that's good =
for this type of forum - but the size is HUGE - it is like two computer =
screens wide and five tall!

Something like below:

The Glide is made out of Brass. All edges are Round. It is Nickle Plated. The doughnut between the bottom and the leg is a neoprene thingee. NO, it will not mar wood floors. Nor will it snag on carpets, etc. I drill an undersize hole in the center of the bottom of each leg and drive the glide on/in with a dead blow mallet, (plastic). That way no burrs are created when installing. I've been doing this for 25 years and my clients love them. And I've never had an incidence with the glides failing to do what they are supposed to....GLIDE.<G>
As for the "scan"....Have you forgotten you are dealing with a 'puter dufus?!!! 'Sides, If I have to deal with all of the "alphabet soup" from your pictures on the Digest, then you can cut me some slack here. I have a scanner w/o any programs or  instructions. I do use Irfanware to size things, since y'all bitched so damned much. On my end it looked very small. What comes out on your end? I don't have a clue why! As for the "something like below" doesn't mean zip to me as I'm on the Digest!!! All I see is two miles of 'puter codes!!

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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