Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 02:34:11 EST

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In a message dated 1/18/2006 9:04:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

On Jan 18, 2006, at 11:13 PM, _Piannaman@aol.com_ (  

I've read  opinions about this where some techs say that changing damper  
timing "doesn't really lighten the touch, it only gives that  perception."  

Remember of course that when we measure touch weights on a grand action,  the 
action is usually on the bench or otherwise separated from the damper  
assembly (say, by putting the sustain pedal on). In effect you've made the  action 
feel as those the sustain pedal is on, even when it isn't.

True enough, but we're talking about real world playing.   Measuring on the 
bench doesn't give an accurate account of what the player  actually feels with 
the piano fully assembled.

It's now alot easier to play staccato, but much harder to play legato.  The 
conventional damper timing regulation would favor neither of these,  balancing 
in the middle between the two of them.
This is what I was initially worried about.  I've heard that said  before, so 
I was cognizant of it going in.  I was surprised to find out  that it really 
didn't seem to be the case.  Nobody else who played it  noticed any difficulty 
in legato playing(or for that matter, greater ease in  playing staccato...).  
Believe me, if I'd noticed that it altered the  legato/staccato effects that 
much, I'd never have done it the second  time...:-[}  
And like a said before, one of the best parts about this operation is that  
it's easily reversible.
Dave Stahl (Gumby....?)

Mr. Bill

"Can you check out this middle C?. It "whangs' - (or  twangs?)
    Thanks so much, Ginger"
    ...........Service  Request

Dave  Stahl

Dave Stahl Piano Service
_ ( 

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