
Greg Graham
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:03:08 -0800 (PST)

Terry "The Farrell" said: "If it is metal, wouldn't
that scratch a non-carpeted floor?"

Joe said: "All edges are Round. It is Nickle Plated.
The doughnut between the bottom and the leg is a
neoprene thingee. NO, it will not mar wood floors. Nor
will it snag on carpets, etc."

Rather than scratches from dragging, the common damage
to non-carpet floors I see is dimples pressed down
into the floor by the little metal glides on older
benches.  Many are only 3/8ths inches of contact
diameter.  Joe's suggested glides are around a full

The difference is amazing.  With a 200 pound artist (I
wish I was either 200 lbs and/or an artist) on a four
legged bench, evenly distributed, the four little
original glides exert 455 PSI, while Joe's larger
glides are only 63 PSI.  Double those numbers if you
sit on the edge of the bench, or quadruple them if a
duet sits on the edge of the bench.  

I've seen similar glides at Home Depot and Lowes, and
I'm going to pick up a couple dozen next time I'm
there.  Simple, effective, cheap.  Thanks for another
great eye-opener, Joe.  

Greg Graham 
Brodheadsville, PA

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