Warranty tuning

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Fri, 20 Jan 2006 14:40:38 EST

Richard writes:
>What about in-store repair, regulation and tuning?  Hourly?  Percentage
>of tuning fee?  Percentage of hourly rate?  It's certainly not very 
>except to those of us getting started.  My problem is "I'm just a guy who
>can't say no."

Ah,  I sorta remember that time in my career.  It was at the very first, when 
I didn't have a choice.  It lasted about three months, when I saw that others 
were getting paid far more for less quality work!  
     Time has a way of teaching those that are willing to learn.  A 
self-employed person that can't demand more for their work doesn't deserve to be paid 
more.  Fear of losing a job will cost us far more than losing the occasional 
customer that is looking for a cheaper price.  
Ed Foote RPT 

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