VT pitch raising tip--was

John Formsma john@formsmapiano.com
Fri, 20 Jan 2006 22:43:10 -0600

<<If you won't just just set pitch with the fork and get the heck on 
with it, I suggest spending the wait time scratching what itches. If 
that isn't putting down time to good use, what is?

Ron N>>

Yeah, yeah, I know. I've done plenty of aural tuning, and I like my aural
work just fine. But, the truth is that I just don't tune as fast aurally as
I can with the VT and get the same results. It has come down to time, and
I've made a business decision to use the VT. It does a great job with the
one-pass overpull tunings, which I do a lot of. Beats the heck out of having
to do the aural pitch correction first, then a tuning -- which is what I
used to do before. Saves the customer money, easier on me, great results.

Now, from a purist's perspective, yup, I'll still argue for aural tuning.

John Formsma

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