Warranty tuning

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:47:46 -0500

Richard - Will:

Will Wickham wrote:

> I also agree. It was an excellent way to build a substantial customer 
> base. Eventually the store realized that I was helping them 
> substantially as well and now I get full price for in home warrantee 
> tunings and about 2/3 my full rate for in store tunings. Nice work 
> when you get it!

Richard, if you can get to this point, which in my opinion is pretty 
darn good!, then you're doing alot of things right.

I have been doing dealership work for the majority of my career, and 
yes, it is a great way to build your business.

Richard, if they're 'willing' to give you 1/2 of your full rate for 
in-home War. service, then what are they 'willing' to give you for floor 
work? - or is that work being done by someone else?

I have worked my way up to 80% for in-home war.service, and 50% for 
floor work - needless to say, this dealership is concerned about their 
floor work recently - because I've been very busy doing full pay work.

It's a nice problem to have.

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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