Soundboard rib question

Ric Brekne
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 16:39:05 +0100

Thanks David.

I can post the scale in a couple days I suppose.  As far as degrees of 
changing are concerned..... I have some degrees of freedom here but far 
from unlimited.  Its got to end up sounding like a forte instrument of 
old to be sure.  But I would like to clean up the treble, and I would 
like to insure enough strength for the panel to keep crown for a 
defendable period of time.  Not knowing myself about how drastic changes 
in rib designs would affect the overall general sound picture, I have no 
idea as to whether an <<optimized>> rib scale to string scale is 
appropriate or not.  Perhaps it is.. I dont know.  I'm not so much 
looking for a ribs by x answer here as some general ideas as to which 
direction to go with this. Thanks muchly for the point you raise. Its a 


David Love writes.

I don't know if people will answer specifically as you haven't provided
enough data and these things need to be calculated.  The question I would
ask, though, is if you want to "beef up the ribs" then you are changing it
and if you are going to change it then why not just change it.  Have a rib
scale calculated based on the scale design (which can be kept original in
terms of its overall tension) and address the issues that you want addressed
in the redesign.  I don't think anyone will be able to give you a "beef up
the ribs by x" answer.  

David Love

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