Soundboard rib question

Ric Brekne
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 16:49:49 +0100

Hi Ed

Its serial number 86.  Which actually puts it in the first 3 months of 
production.  Included below is a picture of the soundboard I took on the 
day it came into my shop. Ribs run 90 degrees to the grain.  The long 
extra rib does not trace the bridge itself... but seems to be a kind of 
support for it.  I havent located it precisely.. but its close to the 
bridge itself... a bit forward of it.  I can try and get a picture of 
the underside of the thing in the next couple days if anyone is interested.

I dont <<know>> that the board was a compression board... I'm just 
guessing based on the rib dimensions.


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