Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux

David Ilvedson
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 19:39:21 -0800

I resemble that...the name is actually Danish...use to be ILdved.   Peter ILdved was my grandfather.   I was told that ILDVED had something to do with beard or something like....but "the son of sick wood"....really?   

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Ric Brekne" <>
To: pianotech <>
Received: 1/21/2006 6:54:28 AM
Subject: Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux

>I keep missing the inclusion of the damper pedal in all this.  Forgeting 
>to keep the pedal in line just wont do at all... :)...

>Strikes me that damper timing is very closely related to a desirable 
>degree of damper travel... which is again tied to pedal travel... They 
>both have to match so that the foot likes the control moment it has over 
>the damper system whilst at the same time the fingers like the control 
>over the dampers they have, all the while both ending up such that the 
>stop rail represents the same end point for damper lever travel in both 
>cases.  Its not really about anything else... certainly not about 


>by the way David... did you know that Ilvedson translates from the 
>Norwegian roughly to "the Son of Sick Wood" ???  grin...


>David Ilvedson writes..

>One more thing...this is easily changed back on pianos with spoons...not 
>so easily on Steinways, Yamahas, many pianos use spoons for 
>damper/key lift?
>How did you adjust the spoons for eveniness of lift with keys? 

>David Ilvedson, RPT
>Pacifica, California
>Pianotech list info:

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