An open letter to Marshall
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 02:18:24 +0000

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I'm very much alive and full of spunk.  I've wanted to become a piano tech for almost 25 years and finally made the right connections.  I can't wait to mee you guys hopefully at the convention if money circumstances change.  

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: David Andersen <> 

Hi Dale,
I am comming to the conclusion that there is really no Marshall, just someone out there who is in the habit of pulling pranks.
There is enough correct information in the posts to show that this person is involved with pianos but the tenor of the posts are always directed in some small way to rouse ire.
So it is BB time for me. Better Block. Yes I do think that they have given a hint as to who they are, but then I am paranoid.
BB now!
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools ARE paranoid.  Marshall sent a picture of himself and his family to this list a while ago.

I know where your little brain’s goin, ya rascal.

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