broken Steinway lyre braces

David Skolnik
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:54:02 -0500

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At 06:44 AM 1/23/2006 -0600, you wrote:
>Having the braces in stock is a good idea. This is the first time I've had 
>broken Steinway braces to deal with. Having never considered it before, I 
>didn't know what the repair options were. Now, I'm vastly more prepared 
>for the next time. J
>Thanks everyone!
>John Formsma

John -
Since one of your concerns seemed to be retaining an authentic appearance, 
stocking the current Steinway product would not have done you much 
good.   Also, while your insert method is creative, I suspect it would not 
be so strong or look all that good.  The wood itself looks dried out.  Why 
not check with Hughes (as suggested) as well as Mr. Grebe - Creator of 
Handsome Hardwood etc. himself.  Maybe they would suggest going with a 
stronger wood than mahogany.   If you think the braces are likely to break 
again, get a few.  Making them adjustable in length won't help their 
ability to withstand abuse, which, other than your theory about something 
being shoved underneath, I can't imagine.   For that, a sign saying "Don't 
put nothing under here", or some such, might work well.  Mr. Grebe can 
probably make one of those for you as well.   8-)

With regard to Patrick's statement:

>Thats no good to me since i use the lyre to set up the pianos (so i have
>to put it on/off while the piano is on its side on top of the trolley)

I don't know that I'd want anything other than a solid, wood braced lyre 
for this purpose.   Just the usual paranoia.

David Skolnik 

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