Center pin friction, yet again.
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:26:44 EST

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In a message dated 1/24/2006 11:13:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Lastly, while I haven't done much (any) 
liquid resizing of Permafree 2 bushings, I intend to, (regardless of 
whether it works or not) as I spent much time tracking down the correct 
denatured alcohol
You certainly can't hose 'em down and walk away. The bushings are 
unpredictable in their response to methanol. It is most likely to work if they aren't 
much too tight (whatever that means, probably eight grams or less, although I 
have found them up to 18), AND if you can check them in a couple of hours, AND IF 
you accept that variable, mostly extremely low friction is a good thing. On 
average, I find it about as efficient to repin.

Steinway says to use as little as possible, which is hard to control on 
closely-spaced shanks in situ. I have taken shanks off, found two with equal 
friction as measured by a gram gauge, carefully placed exactly 1.0000 drops of 
methanol on each bushing, and had them measure different when dry.

Bob Davis

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