Center pin friction, yet again.

Tue, 24 Jan 2006 15:58:39 -0600


>Classes are not offered today like they were 10 years or so ago. Not as many
>teflon problem actions in service.

I wish! Of course, I work at a university! :-D We have about 20 of them!


>Joel Jones, RPT
>Madison, WI
>On Jan 24, 2006, at 8:36 AM, David Skolnik wrote:
>>The recent questions about teflon, along with recent observations 
>>in the field and conversation with David Kirkland at Steinway, (not 
>>to mention perusing past posts), have left me unclear as to the 
>>frictional tolerances (primarily) at the hammer flange centers.  I 
>>acknowledge that there is likely extensive information in the 
>>archives, to which I would be happy to be directed, and that I have 
>>not recently attended any classes where these issues might have 
>>been discussed.  That said, is there any consensus regarding the 
>>ultimate effects of the difference between "0 grams, without any 
>>sideplay", and whatever measurement might provide the "traditional" 
>>5-7 swings (of the hammer)?
>>It's hard for me to accept the idea that such a dramatic difference 
>>is of so little consequence.
>>David Skolnik
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