
A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 14:21:35 EST

<< >How often is too often to tune a piano? 

      No such thing. 

>I typically see twice a year, or 
>even every three months.  Is anything less than that necessary such as 
>once a month or even once a week which I 've heard of?  >>

Recording studio pianos at least once a day when in use.  
Concert halls are tuned for every paying performance, or once a week in just 
for stage use.  
Serious pianists three or so times a year, or more often when a different 
temperament is desired. 
Most home pianos, once a year, (at Christmas or Easter).  
My own piano at home,  umm,  err,  uh,  I don't rightly remember the last 
time, but this century, I think. 
Ed Foote RPT 

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