Jurgen Goering
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:25:21 -0800

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I just received my latest shipment of Crescendo Punchings.  Responding 
to client requests, I had asked Wurzen about the possibility of marking 
the underside of the punchings because some technicians were 
inconvenienced having to study each punching to install them right side 
up. (For me it had never been a problem, I disregard the taper and look 
at the hole, which looks very different on the bottom).  The idea of 
adding another step to the production was not enthusiastically received 
by the production manager.  But low and behold, the latest shipment has 
an inked stripe across the bottom of al the tapered punchings.  As 
well, I had received requests for a thinner version of Crescendos.  
They are now available in thin: 4 mm (.160"), as well as the standard 
size 5.5 mm (.220").

On top of all of that, the felt quality has been improved even more.  
The new Crescendos are even more resilient, the texture seems to be 
more uniform, and I can only describe them as "juicy".

Stay tuned, there is still more to come in the Crescendo pipeline

Jurgen Goering
Piano Forte Supply
(250) 754-2440

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                         top:  underside of Crescendo punching
bottom:  regular Crescendo (left)  -   thin Crescendo (right)

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