
John Formsma
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:31:25 -0600


I've tuned one Petrof IV. Really like it. Clear treble - nice overall sound.
I didn't get to look at the action much. 7-8 on a scale of 10.

At least one Nordiska - 5 footish grand - was not a great piano. Nordiska is
Chinese, and I'd guess the Chinese are improving the more they export pianos
to different climates and learn how they react. Nordiska might have improved
since then - it's been around 3 years ago that I did this one. It was in a
church setting where it got the stuffing beat out of it - no mike with drums
and other instruments drowning it out. It wasn't cared for that well, which
might have a lot to do with its condition. About a 4 on this one.

John Formsma

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Hazen Bannister
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:22 PM
To: Pianotech
Subject: Petrof,Nordiska

  I am opening a new piano store with Yamaha piano's, and am seriously 
considering Petrof, and Nordiska piano's as well. I have only tuned one 
Petrof, and had no experience with Nordiska piano's.
I would like some feedback on what you think of these two brands, maybe 
on a 1 - 10 scale,what are they comparable to.
Hazen Bannister

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