Grand High Treble Sitting Position, was: Tuning Hammer

Joe And Penny Goss
Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:14:21 -0700

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Hi John,
One can tune cross handed with the lever at 6 o'clock with a 20% head.
Joe Goss RPT
Mother Goose Tools
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: John Formsma=20
  To: 'Pianotech List'=20
  Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:21 PM
  Subject: RE: Grand High Treble Sitting Position, was: Tuning Hammer

  I usually stand for the treble and lean over somewhat. Sitting on the =
side is a good idea if there's room.


  You could tune left handed - I have to do that with a Yamaha C7 100 =
year anniversary piano. (The very modern looking one with the computer =
and plexiglass lids.) There is not enough clearance to tune right handed =
because of the lid that covers the pinblock area. I probably should =
start tuning at least the treble sections left handed, but it's easier =
to keep doing it with the right.


  John Formsma



  From: [] On =
Behalf Of Farrell
  Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:36 PM
  To: Pianotech List
  Subject: Grand High Treble Sitting Position, was: Tuning Hammer


  Now why is that hard to picture? I don't get kinky with the piano, =
although there is a certain amount of intimacy involved - especially =
with those that respond in a meaningful way to my manipulation. It's =
just a simple description of how I sit to tune a grand piano high treble =


  I've only watched one other guy tune a grand piano - and I don't =
remember how he approached the high treble. Where do others sit while =
tuning the high treble?


  Now you've got me curious....


  Terry Farrell

    ----- Original Message -----=20

    I'm trying to picture this...:-)


    Dave Davis, RPT


    Terry wrote:

    [snip]  ... I sit on the side of the piano, typically with the right =
front piano leg between my knees=20


    Terry Farrell

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