Stolen Pianos recovered

Phil Bondi
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 06:05:33 -0500

The following is from Rob Goodale <> caught in the 
admin filters..

-phil, admin for the week

Hello everyone-
Again, I am currently NOT on the pianotech list, but I am sending this 
follow up because of my past announcement of the stollen pianos in Las 
As you may recall the pianos, a Burgmann grand with a Pianodisc player 
and a Howard grand, were stolen from a parked trailer at a Las Vegas 
dealer.  The geniuses who stole it got talked a friend into trying to 
sell it for them.  The ding-bat began calling the local dealers, 
(smart), and of course one of the sales people at the dealer from where 
it was stolen got a call.  Suspicious, the salesman got the "seller" to 
give him the serial number under the pretense that knowing the date of 
manufacture would give him a more accurate price value.  Sure enough the 
numbers matched.
An ex-cop friend of one of the dealer's co-owners was dispatched posing 
as a technician to inspect the instrument.  Once confirmed metro police 
were informed and five cruisers immediately responded and swept the guy 
away!  He has now confessed and in exchange with the D.A. for a lighter 
sentence he is informing who the actual thieves were.  More arrests 
expected and most certainly the recovery of the Howard grand.  Cha-Ching!!
Once again proof that crime doesn't pay but pianos do play...   or 
better to have a lyre than a liar... or better to hammer strings then 
gravel...  ?
Thanks to all of you for looking out for this one.  It could have easily 
been exported out of the state and turned up anywhere.
Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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