Viennese to English action replacement
Fri, 27 Jan 2006 15:54:10 -0500 (EST)

Check the CAUT archives about 3 or 4 years back for a thread from Mark Cramer about converting a Bluethner action.
There is a company in Europe which does these conversions, including Viennese to English.
Read the thread thoroughly, because it turns out that the happy customers quoted in the company web site eventually developed problems with the piano, as reported by the technician.
Ed Sutton

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jean-Jacques GRANAS <>
>Sent: Jan 27, 2006 2:29 PM
>Subject: Viennese to English action replacement
>Hello list,
>Does anyone here have ay experience replacing a Viennese style action with 
>an English action)?
>I have a very massive, full plate 1890 7" Ehrbar in very decent shape, 
>except for a thouroughly damaged action. I wonder if it would not be a good 
>opportunity to replace it with an English one, if the technical obstacles 
>are not too great. 
>I am not quite sure what this involves, but I hear it is/has been done.
>How readily available are Viennese action parts if this idea turns out to 
>be a dead end? 
>Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>Jean-Jacques Granas
>Pianotech list info:

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