Tuning pins undersized, where can I find sockets for my lever ?

Philippe Errembault phil.errembault@skynet.be
Sun, 29 Jan 2006 09:51:42 +0100

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I live in Brussels and I got a very old piano with a wooden frame, and =
I'd like to use it to learn tuning by myself, and why not becoming =
someday a professional tuner. (I'm quite tired of my previous job...) =
So... It seems that there is only one shop in brussels that could help =
me, but they are soooo helping, that each time I visit them I decide =
that it will be the last time. They never did anything else that trying =
to implicitly discourage me, and I have the feeling that they just want =
to protect their position of monopoly on Brussels. So I'm trying to find =
every information I can on the net and in books.

Since they were soooo cooperative, I've bought on the net, a tuning kit =
including a "Hale Pro Extension Tuning Hammer" (it seems to be more a =
tuning lever than a tuning hammer but... ok. Here are pictures of the =
stuff : http://home.flash.net/~schteev/prokit8.jpg =

This material was presented as being THE professional reference for =
tuners, and it seemed true, since it matches quite closely with the =
drawing in the book from Arthur A. Reblitz; including the name "Hale" on =

I bought it with two aditionnal sockets, and none of them match with my =
piano. The pins on my piano are only 1/4" on the cylindric part, and =
4.5mm at the top. even the smallest tip (#1) is floating nearly freely =
around it. The seller has no idea on how to help me solve my problem. Do =
you have any idea where / how I could find a socket small enough for my =
piano ?

thank you,=20

Philippe Errembault
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