Spinet Spring Rail

Richard Day pianotoone@hotmail.com
Sun, 29 Jan 2006 13:46:54 -0500

Sorry for the repeat question.  Didn't understand completely the first 

Am replacing all the hammer springs in a spinet.  Have all the new springs 
inserted into proper holes with tail sticking out the back.  Have run .088 
drill rod thru coils to keep from crushing and in alignment.

Problem is I can't force the tail into the tiny slots where the old springs 
came from.  The slot doesn't  seem to be quite bib enough.  Have tried 
pushing them in with a screwdirver blade; lengthwise slips off,  crosswise 
just bends the tail but doesn't pusc tail in slot.  Somebody suggested 
drilling a second hole and threading end into that.

Would end go all the way thru so it showed near the coil.  If only part way 
thru how do you tighten/secure it.

Have always used the replacement springs with the square brass clip, after 
removoing old springs, in the past.  Seems much easier.  But they no longer 
seem to be available.

BIG THANKS for help.

Dick Day
Marshall MI

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